Fraud in sports betting
In the world of sports betting huge sums are spinning, which attract criminals and lovers of easy money. They can be found on various forums, sites. There are several discharges of crooks. The first group of frauders are “informers” who resell information about certain contractual matches. Such crooks do not get in touch after a miss and are not afraid of responsibility. They work under fictitious names, periodically changing their nicknames. There are also more honest traders of forecasts, newsletters and tips. They know how to bet and use certain programs.
The scheme of scam actions is quite simple. Rogue offers customers one free forecast. Next, there are two clients who are given opposite projections. After the announcement of the result of the event, one client appears at the fraudster completely. Swindlers do not know a profitable strategy, but simply try to earn money at the expense of people who are ignorant in this field. But the predictions still have a little faith in the existence of a good wizard, helping to make bets. Although, in this case, a completely logical question arises: why sell forecasts, if you can bet yourself and win money?
And what about the program? Who does the little program count? A bookmaker’s office with a bunch of computers and a staff of experts? Everything that could be calculated was already calculated and reflected in the coefficients. If your belief in your abilities is shaken and you want to win at the expense of other people’s abilities, mailings, programs – leave the betting. In this case, you will only save time and money.
Signs of questionable bookmakers

Recently, among the bookmakers there are many crooks who catch on their “fishing poles” of many clients. We bring to your attention the main signs of questionable bookmakers:
- The office does not accept bank cards. Most serious banks are serious about issuing permits for processing bank cards. The security service of a reputable bank carefully and long checks the legitimacy of the applicant. If there is no card acceptance, it means that serious banks do not want to deal with this bookmaker office. Banks do not believe in the honesty and reliability of such bookmakers, and therefore you should do without their services;
- There is no verified information about the license for the bookmaker activity;
- A small bonus like a half dollar or several rubles. A person with normal logical thinking, it is clear that it is better not to give bonuses at all than to disgrace like that;
- Presence on the official website of the office of someone else’s advertising and links to various resources in any form (buttons, banners, counters, etc.);
- Low ranking of a site in search engines (Google PR<4);
- Cheap or even patterned design. Primitive errors and malfunctions of the site; An example of a non-professional resource is the poor display in alternative browsers;
- Complete discrepancy between the specified dates of work and the date of official registration of the site;
- Rarely updated news. Also on the site may be few employees of their clients.
All of the above points tell you that this is a one-day office, which means that it is not advisable to risk your money. Remember that sports betting is a rather risky business even in a reliable office, and even more so in such establishments. However, one nuance can level all the flaws – is the presence of a ground point. This suggests that the office is serious, and the Internet resource was created “for a tick” and does not pay enough attention to it. Be extremely careful when choosing a bookmaker and success will not take long! If you don’t want to spend your time on choosing some good company, check PinUp betting.