Water filters for domestic use

There are several types of water filters. It is best to contact the water filtration system companies to find the best filter that is ideal for you.

Mechanical filters

Mechanical impurities of water are: particles of sand, soil, clay, silt, rust (oxidized iron) and other insoluble elements. These particles are in suspension and when using such water in everyday life, they significantly reduce the life of household appliances and plumbing, as well as installed drinking water treatment systems. A mechanical filter removes large particles of mechanical impurities from water. Thanks to these filters:

  • the resource of the subsequent stages of filtration increases;
  • elements of plumbing and piping last longer;
  • precipitation disappears in the bathtub and sink.

Cartridge Water Filters

The cartridge filter is perhaps the simplest and most common type of mechanical filter for water. Its main components are the filter flask (body) and a replaceable cartridge. The filter is mounted in a cold water pipe at the entrance to the house or directly at the point of use of water. During the filtration process, water is supplied to the cartridge, which removes contaminants. The degree of purification is characterized by the size of the retained particles and is called the filter rating.

For example, a filter with a filtration rating of 5 microns removes all particles of mechanical impurities with a size of 5 or more microns, smaller particles will pass through the filter material. The most common filter characteristics of cartridge mechanical filters are 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, and 1 μm. Filter flasks are made of high quality capable of withstanding high pressure and sometimes heat-resistant plastics. The material for a mechanical cleaning cartridge is typically foamed polypropylene or tightly wound polypropylene yarn. Installation and maintenance of the cartridge filter is extremely simple, so you can do it yourself.

Disc Water Filters

Disc filters are an excellent solution for the purification of natural water for domestic purposes. Disc filters are easy to maintain and provide a high level of removal of water impurities. One of the main advantages of disk filters is their environmental friendliness – they do not use replacement parts that require disposal or recycling.

Structurally, the disk filter is a housing, inside of which there is a packet of disks with grooves of various sizes. Between each adjacent pair of disks, working cavities of various configurations and sizes are formed, through which water passes during the filtration process. During the movement of water, the interdisc cavities retain particles of contaminants, and clean water then flows into the water treatment system. Filter discs are made of high strength and durable polyamide.

When the filter disc pack gradually clogs and the cleaning efficiency decreases, a manual or automatic rinse is performed. Flushing is carried out by a reverse flow of water with open disks. These filters are usually installed in cottages, the source of water for which is very muddy water from the wells. The filter is a polymer corrosion-resistant casing in the form of a column with an automatic water supply valve. The column is filled with filter material. The main properties of filter materials are:

  • high mechanical abrasion resistance, since if the load is greatly erased, then reducing the porosity of the load will lead to a sharp decrease in performance;
  • chemical inertness to avoid contamination of water with additional impurities.

Therefore, the load of water filters is usually quartz sand, anthracite, and other materials with these properties.