What are the parts of an essay
Apart from papers, term papers, exams and everything else, students are faced with an equally difficult task: writing an essay. In our article, we will tell you what an essay is and what are the parts of an essay.
What is an essay and what is the difficulty of writing it
The hallmark of student work is a clear plan and a thoughtful structure. An essay, on the other hand, reflects the author’s point of view and does not imply precision and structure, which is why almost all students find essay writing difficult.
An essay does not have a clear structure, but it’s outline usually includes:
- Introduction. This part should set the emotional mood, bring the reader to the issue at hand, interest, encouraging him/her to finish reading the text to the end.
- The main part. At this stage the author puts forward talking points, finds justifications for them, thus proving his own point of view.
- Conclusion. Summing up the main body of the article, the author draws a general conclusion.

While the introduction is aimed at attracting the reader’s interest, the conclusion should make the whole picture coherent, encouraging reflection or, vice versa, leaving no doubts about the validity or viability of the ideas expressed by the author.
How to write an introduction
In the introduction, information should be written as if it is to be read by someone who is not at all familiar with the issue. Here you need to disclose the topic, the problem and the relevance of the essay. This is helped by questions you may pose to yourself:
- What is the topic you are writing your essay on?
- What do you know about this topic?
- What aspects do you wish to explore in your work?
Main body of the essay
For example, you are writing an essay on literature. Here you need to cover the thoughts that the topic evokes, the emotions towards the chosen character or its circumstances. Each idea will have to be supported by examples. If you say that the problem of war worries the character, then you must give examples in which this excitement is conveyed to the reader. Feel free to give your own assessment of the character or the circumstances in which he or she finds himself or herself. This makes any essay brighter, stronger, and gives its author authority and expertise. The main part is mostly your own reasoning about what you care about in the whole story. Show the evolution of your thought here, from which point in the piece it originated, how it evolved, and what conclusion it eventually led to.
Many people do not begin an essay with an introduction or main body, but with a conclusion. Once you have a brief thesis statement, it is much easier to write a coherent account of your reasoning. So, in conclusion, you have to answer yourself the question you posed in the introduction. This is a kind of short theorem derived from the whole long proof given in the previous parts of the essay. Here you may also need information on how to replace personal pronouns in an essay.
Essay writing instructions
The process of writing an essay can be broken down into several stages: thinking – planning – writing – checking – correcting. To write a good essay, we advise adhering to the following plan of action:
- think about the topic, comprehend the problem and write a plan (simple and extended);
- organise the text logically;
- make clear cause-and-effect connections;
- use examples, explanations;
- express a chain of meaning;
- show ability to use different grammatical devices and choose words;
- argue for your own opinion;
- choose the type of conclusion;
- format the piece of writing appropriately;
- check your writing carefully and make adjustments where necessary.

How to write an essay
Before you write a final essay, you need to think clearly about what plan to use so that the flow of thoughts lines up into coherent, logical sentences. You should also find out how to format dialogue in an essay. Immediately after you receive your essay topic, ideas and images will begin to emerge in your mind. On a rough sheet of paper, sketch out the phrases or words that first come to mind. Then you can develop them into a whole essay. So, think carefully about what you want to say about the topic. Then write down your thoughts on the paper in a column. And then decide in what order you want to put your thoughts on paper. This is necessary for a clear and distinct structure of your work.
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